An Online Miracle- God is Faithful
December 5th 2013, I was staying up late working on a picture calendar for my family. I had to get it finished by Midnight to catch a sale. As soon as I was done, I thought I would check out my numbers for the t-shirt sale we were holding. It was then that I realized that my sale ended in 24 hours and I had to reach a big goal or the T-shirts would not be made and no funds would be collected. I was in little bit of shock and disbelief when I realized that my first attempt to raise funds could be a failure. We had to sell at least 50 shirts or the company would not print them. We were only half way to our goal.
I laid in bed worrying about how we were going to sell over 25 shirts in one day, when we had barely sold that many in a month. So I prayed and asked the Lord to help me and told him that I trusted Him. I surprisingly was able to go to sleep and not lay awake thinking about it. The next morning I started emailing friends and family and posting it on Facebook. I was in shock as the numbers began to climb. Before the day was over we sold a little over 50 shirts and were able to complete our fundraiser so the shirts could be made. We raised over $700 in one day and our total raised was $1000 for the whole fundraiser!! It was a miracle :)
I feel so blessed by God's Faithfulness and by the support of our friends and family. The Kanaday Family would like to say a special thank you to everyone who was able to buy a shirt or donated online through the website. We received the t-shirts last week before Christmas. I love seeing all of our friends wearing them. If you purchased one please send me a picture or post it on Facebook or Instagram #kanadayadoption
To all of our friends who weren't able to buy a t-shirt and want one, we are looking to do another sale closer to the end of the adoption process. I will keep you posted.
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! As 2013 comes to end we pray a special blessing over you. Looking forward to 2014!
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