Sunday, December 29, 2013

An Online Miracle- God is Faithful

An Online Miracle- God is Faithful

December 5th 2013, I was staying up late working on a picture calendar for my family.  I had to get it finished by Midnight to catch a sale.  As soon as I was done, I thought I would check out my numbers for the t-shirt sale we were holding.  It was then that I realized that my sale ended in 24 hours and I had to reach a big goal or the T-shirts would not be made and no funds would be collected.  I was in little bit of shock and disbelief when I realized that my first attempt to raise funds could be a failure. We had to sell at least 50 shirts or the company would not print them.  We were only half way to our goal. 

I laid in bed worrying about how we were going to sell over 25 shirts in one day, when we had barely sold that many in a month.  So I prayed and asked the Lord to help me and told him that I trusted Him.  I surprisingly was able to go to sleep and not lay awake thinking about it.  The next morning I started emailing friends and family and posting it on Facebook.  I was in shock as the numbers began to climb. Before the day was over we sold a little over 50 shirts and were able to complete our fundraiser so the shirts could be made.  We raised over $700 in one day and our total raised was $1000 for the whole fundraiser!!  It was a miracle :)

I feel so blessed by God's Faithfulness and by the support of our friends and family.  The Kanaday Family would like to say a special thank you to everyone who was able to buy a shirt or donated online through the website.  We received the t-shirts last week before Christmas.  I love seeing all of our friends wearing them.  If you purchased one please send me a picture or post it on Facebook or Instagram #kanadayadoption

To all of our friends who weren't able to buy a t-shirt  and want one, we are looking to do another sale closer to the end of the adoption process.  I will keep you posted.  
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!  As 2013 comes to end we pray a special blessing over you.  Looking forward to 2014!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Chloe and Hope being silly in the hospital
The past few weeks have been crazy! I have found a new appreciation for my family, friends and food. Two weeks ago my 3 year old niece Chloe was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. My sister Amanda took Chloe to the Doctor with symptoms of a UTI and after a test, was told to get to the hospital imediately due to glucose in her urine. They took Chloe to Sacred Heart in Pensacola and test came back positive for diabetes and she was admitted to the hospital for 4 days. While at the hospital the Doctors and Nurses trained Josh and Amanda on how to care for Chloe.  Her life is depending on them.  Amanda and Josh are amazing parents and I am so proud of their courage and strength.  
Chloe will be on a strict diet only getting 33 Carbohydrates a meal.  She will get a shot before every meal and before she goes to bed.  They have to prick her finger several times a day to monitor her blood sugar.  There are a few foods she can eat that are "safe free" (as she calls it).. below is a picture of her eating string cheese.  She was excited she could have it.  Chloe has always enjoyed food.. she's a good eater.  
We praise God that Chloe will be okay and that they found this quickly and that it is treatable.  We have to choose to think on good things.  Life could be worse.  Although this journey may be difficult, Chloe is alive and will live a great life.  Romans 8:28-29 "And we know that in ALL things, God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to His purpose."  We have to believe that God will heal her and will work this all out for the good.  I believe in Miracles!  
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for my family.  I am so blessed with an amazing family who all love Jesus.  I am thankful for my friends.. I feel so blessed by the friendships that I have created over the past few years in Destin along with my life long friends I have had since childhood.  I am also thankful that the Lord is calling us to adopt from China.  I am humbled and in awe in the goodness of Christ.  

T-Shirt Sale ends December 5th.  If you'd like to help us kick start the adoption please follow the link below.  Shirts are $15 and there is a $5 shipping fee.
Chloe eating "Safe Free" cheese with her Auntie